Battle for Life

When I write a blog post I normally draw inspiration from the amusing and interesting things that happen around me, but today I find that incredibly difficult.

I found out yesterday that my cousin, who is only three weeks younger than me, is being killed by a bacteria in her lungs.  This battle against the bacteria is not new.  She has cystic fibrosis, a disease with no known cure, and has been in and out of hospital for the past 18 months which culminated in a double lung transplant.  For a short period of time my cousin’s life was changed.  She could breathe clearly, she had colour in her cheeks, and she put on weight, which is extremely important.  She was even able to start attending university again.  However, the bacteria returned and she had to have further surgery to remove two of the lobes on the right side of her lungs.  This left her nauseous, in pain, and on many medications, some of them still experimental, or generally unavailable in Australia.

This leads to yesterday,  when we found out that the bacteria is back, in all of her remaining lobes.  So what now?  Nothing has stopped it, and it’s slowly killing a brave and beautiful young woman.  I don’t want to lose hope.  I believe in a God of miracles.  I also know that sometimes good people, really good people, die for no good reason.  I don’t know how to feel or react.  I do know that I’m not ready to give up on her.  She is the bravest person I know and if anyone was to beat this horrible bacteria, she would.

